Sang & Sridhar Digestive Disease Consultants
Overseeing construction of a brand new lab, regulatory requirements, and hiring

Our working relationship with clients is very much a partnership.
This approach is best exemplified by our relationship with Kolala R. Sridhar, MD, a collaboration that goes back more than 10 years, when Dr. Sridhar was the head of a five-physician gastroenterology group in Connecticut called Norwich GI (NGI).
At that time, Dr. Sridhar was dissatisfied with the way his laboratory was run, from billing issues to the lag in report turnaround time.
Project Overview
We approached Dr. Sridhar directly to offer our pathology services to him and his team. After careful consideration, he decided to transition the management of the lab to ECPC.
“It was a wonderful relationship that started back in 2008,” said Dr. Sridhar. “While we had an endoscopy center that generated biopsies, we thought that teaming up with expertise the likes of Dr. [Robert] Schwartz and Dr. [Dennis] O’Neill would be a good advantage for us.”
An ECPC pathologist became the medical director of the lab, and we developed a close working relationship with Dr. Sridhar and his team.
“Even though we had a commercial lab and a hospital lab within half a mile of our office, when we started working with ECPC, turnaround vastly improved, gradually decreasing to 24 hours or less. On top of that, we were able to connect with the ECPC doctors around the clock.”
Five years later, in 2013, NGI experienced a transition. Dr. Sridhar and Dr. Sang decided to split off from the group and form their own practice, Sang and Sridhar Digestive Disease Consultants LLC (SSDDC). While we continued to manage the existing lab at NGI, we began the next chapter of our journey with Dr. Sridhar and his new office.
“I once again enlisted ECPC, and they were there for me and my team, guiding the entire process as we established our lab at SSDDC and then eventually constructed a brand-new lab in a new office building,” said Dr. Sridhar. “They assisted with all phases of the process, from getting legal and state compliance and handling regulatory requirements to helping us hire an histologist.”
When we started working with ECPC, turnaround vastly improved, gradually decreasing to 24 hours or less. On top of that, we were able to connect with the ECPC doctors around the clock.”
Kolala R. Sridhar, MD
Sang & Sridhar Digestive Disease Consultants
Client Results
“The partnership with ECPC once again worked to our benefit,” said Dr. Sridhar. “Reporting continued to be timely and comprehensive. More than 95 percent of reports were received within 24 hours. We also had easy access to medical records, and reimbursement became easier.
“As far as billing is concerned, we had always accepted assignment insurance … and previous to working with ECPC we really had no way of helping patients who had billing questions or had issues of financial hardship. We had no control over this in the hospital setting, for example. But with our own lab and our partnership with ECPC, there were people who could help our patients resolve their concerns.”
More than 15 percent of reports were received within 24 hours.”
Kolala R. Sridhar, MD
Sang & Sridhar Digestive Disease Consultants